Hydrogeological Wing
Background: Hydro-geological Wing of Department of Agriculture, Punjab came into existence in the year 1970. The Hydro-geological wing was created to promote the Minor Irrigation programmes in the State, monitor the water level behavior and prepare groundwater estimates for systematic planning of the exploitation of the groundwater resources. Hydro-geological wing is equipped with vital time series data collected over the years. Hydro-geological wing is headed by Joint Director of Agriculture (HG) & is assisted by two Geologist/Hydrologists at Headquarter. Geologist/Hydrologist, Division no 1 supervises the work of 10 districts lying south of River Satluj and Geologist/Hydrologist, Division no 2 supervises the work of other 10 districts north of River Satluj under their supervision. Geologist/Hydrologist is assisted by Assistant Geologists & other supporting staff posted at district.
Activities of Hydro geological Wing:
Groundwater Monitoring :
Hydro-geological wing is monitoring the pre and post-monsoon groundwater level data through a network of about 325 observations wells and piezometer tubes throughout the State. Selected observation well / piezometer tube at respective district headquarter is monitored at monthly level. Hydro-geological wing takes up the work of installation of piezometer tubes on regular basis. Piezometer tubes are also installed at strategic or unrepresented areas to fill the gaps found in the data. The data obtained from observation wells and piezometer tubes is computerized, analyzed in relation to the rainfall and cropping pattern etc. The collected data is utilized in the preparation of water table depth maps & hydrographs to predict the behavior of water table.
Ground Water Quality Monitoring
Hydro-geological wing carries out the work of groundwater quality monitoring, especially in the SW Punjab. About 300 groundwater samples are collected from Groundwater monitoring stations and are analyzed for Groundwater quality. District-wise groundwater quality maps are also prepared to monitor the groundwater quality behavior for irrigation purpose.
Tube well Inventory and draft of Tube wells
To calculate the Rabi and Kharif draft of electric and diesel tube wells for estimation of Groundwater balance in the State.
Site and Environmental Clearance for the Industries
To provide NOC for site and environmental clearance for the reports under CSA-cum-SAC for setting up/expansion of industries through Punjab Pollution Control Board, Patiala.
Groundwater Balance Estimation Studies
Geologist/Hydrologist Division no -1 is Member Secretary of the Technical Sub Committee on Groundwater Balance Estimation constituted by Government of Punjab.
Availability of Canal Water Power for Tubewells
The Canal water and power for agricultural pump-sets is made available to the farmers in co-ordination with Bhakhra Beas Management Board, Irrigation Department and Punjab State Electricity Board.
Unit Cost of Shallow Tube wells
To provide technical parameters, unit cost and design of shallow tube-wells to PSCADB/NABARD for formulation and implementation of minor irrigation schemes for installation of shallow tube-wells and to enable the farmers to obtain loan from the bank in safe blocks.
Collection of Technical Data
Rainfall data, cropping pattern, Land utilization & BHP wise updation of tubewell data.