Introducation to Punjab

The Punjab state has 5.03 m hact. geographical area out of which 4.23 m hact. is under cultivation. Agriculture is a way of life. About 75% of its population depends directly in agriculture.
It has shaped the thought, outlook, culture and economic life of our people. Therefore, it will continue to control all strategies for planned socio-economic development of the state.Since the advent of green revolution, the state has made rapid strides in agricultural production. The cropping intensity increased from 126% to 186% during the period 1965-66 to 2004-05. The area under wheat has increased by 216% and production by 756%, whereas the area under rice has increased by 895% and production by 3307%. The state has played a prominent role by achieving self sufficiency in food grains by contributing 60% wheat and 40% rice to the central pool. The productivity of wheat has increased from 1236 kg/hact to 4209 kg/hact. Since the advent of green revolution, the state has made rapid strides in agricultural production. The cropping intensity increased from 126% to 186% during the period 1965-66 to 2004-05.
The area under wheat has increased by 216% and production by 756%, whereas the area under rice has increased by 895% and production by 3307%. The state has played a prominent role by achieving self sufficiency in food grains by contributing 60% wheat and 40% rice to the central pool. The productivity of wheat has increased from 1236 kg/hact to 4209 kg/hact. Strenuous efforts were made to sustain cotton production. The state has been able to produce 14.86 Lakh bales in a area of 4.52 Lakh hact. during 2004-05.New innovative techniques were adopted to reduce the cost of cultivation. Zero-tillagetechnology was promoted for wheat sowing amongst farmers.An area of 3.14 Lakh hact was sown during 2004-05 which saved Rs. 42.00 Crores on the use of inputs. All this, has become possible by implementing various state centrally sponsored schemes by various sections of Agriculture department.