Publication plays an important role in agriculture sector. No doubt Farmers are being advised through training camps, exposure visit and Mass media activities like radio and T.V. programs. But still the literature/publication has its own significance for Farmers as well as for Extension Functionaries for disseminating the new technology among the Masses. Different Institutions and department Publish books and Magazine to provide latest updates on technology for adopting in the field. Punjab Agriculture University publishes Monthly Magazine Progressive Farming, six monthly Package of practices for Kharif and Rabi crops at reasonable cost. Department of Agriculture Also distributes Literature regarding Production Technology of Different crops Like Paddy, Wheat, Pulses, Oilseed etc. Free of cost for farmers. Publications includes manuals, factsheets, and printed multi-page documents; CD-ROMs; posters; and video & slide sets. Some of the publications are accessible online; however, some will need to be ordered. Most are free, but some have a cost associated with them. Most of the publications available online.