Plant Protection
Plant Protection in crops is very important task. It is estimated that if insects are not controlled, they may damage up to 100% of crop. Weeds may reduce the yield up to 30-40% and pests may cause loss to crop about 20-25%. The attack of pests is not new one, it is as old as the crops themselves from time to time old pests get eradicated and new ones have emerged.
In 1982-83, in American Boll Worm in cotton damaged the cotton crop to large extent. Since then synthetic parathoids pesticides were introduced. Thereafter, spotted Boll Worm and White Fly on cotton became serious pests. The cotton seed was genetically modified and accordingly Bt seed was introduced in 2005-06 as Bt-ball gaurad-I and then Bt Ball guard-II. In the year 2015, cotton was damaged on large extent by the attack of whitefly. In the following year State Govt. chalked out planto monitor the seed quality and pesticides and awareness to farmers. A State consultation and Monitoring Committee was formed. Due to these efforts, cotton crop was revived. Similarly, yellow rust on wheat crop also appeared on some pockets in 2010 and a campaign was started to monitor/ regular survey and controlled effectively on alternate host weeds in wheat, as at is now becoming next issue. In recent times, resistance to few molecules of pesticides has been reported, and this is the priority of research along with controlling with new methods of spray technology and creating new molecules.
Pest Surveillance Committees have been constituted at District level, which are responsible for overall pest management in a district. Fall Army Worm on maize is a issue. In southern Part of India, this pest is seen on maize crop on large extent. In Punjab, part this appeared during Kharif 2019. Pink Boll Worm on cotton showed some resurgence but was controlled effectively before doing any damage in Southern parts of Punjab.
This State is going to implement online portal in licensing of Pesticides both in manufacturing and sale, portal is being prepared for online prosecution. The Sale of dealers shall also be monitored under the process for pesticides through online system.