Welcome To District Moga (Punjab)--Introduction

Moga is the 17 th populous District of the state of Punjab drawn on the map of state on Nov. 1995. Before this it was sub-division of Faridkot. It locates in the central zone of the state having a plain geographical area of 2230 sq.kms. that comes to 4.42 percent of Punjab state. It stretches between 75 degree 15'E and 75 degree 25' E longitude and 30 degree 35' N and 31 degree 15' N latitude. Its boundaries touch Jallandhar in North, Ludhiana in East, Sangrur in South and Ferozepur and Faridkot in the West. Moga town headquarter of the district on Ferozepur-Ludhiana national highway.
A railway line is passing through Moga from Ludhiana to Ferozepur. The nearest air port is Amritsar which is about 120 kms. from Moga. Rivers The district area forms a part of Indo-Gangetic plain and Sutlej sub-basin of main Indus basin. The area as a whole is almost flat with a gentle slope towards the Western and Northwesterly direction. The Sutlej River enters in the district from North East side along with the boundary of Jullandhar district.. It enters from the village Kania Khurd and enters the Ferozepur district from village Khana in Kot-Ise-Khan block and the total length of the Sutlej River in Moga district is 27.43 kms.
c) Administrative Divisions There are three sub divisions i.e. Moga, Baghapuran and Nihal Singh Wala with five development blocks i.e. Moga-I, Moga-II, Kot-Ise-Khan, BaghaPurana and Nihal Singh Wala. Total number of villages is 330 out of which 5 are inhabited with 337 panchayats. The division wise number of villages is as under:-