Welcome To District Gurdaspur(Punjab)--Introduction

The district comprising total geographical area of 3,56,000 hectares (7.1% of the state area) consists of 5 sub-divisions, 5 tehsils, 14 blocks (Fig.l) and 1642 villages. All the villages of the district are connected with roads to different towns and districts headquarter. The population of the district as per 2001 census is 21.04 Lakh (19.73% of the state); out of which 74.56 per cent is rural. Scheduled castes comprise 24.7 per cent of the total population of the district.Information regarding land utilization pattern and intensity given in table 1.The cropping intensity is lowest in Dhar block (158%) as compare to Kalanaur, Dera Baba Nanak & Bamial block where the intensity is (200%).
The month wise average normal rainfall is given in table 3. The lowest rainfall received during the month Nov and December, highest during June, July, and August. The block wise land holding along with area in thousand hectare block wise of different categories of the farmers i.e. marginal, small, semi medium, medium and large in given in table 4.The percent of marginal farmers are highest(27.68%) in Dhariwal block and lowest in Qadian (5.73%) where as small farmers highest in Gurdaspur block (28.52%),lowest in Qadian (15.49%),Semi medium, highest in Sri Hargobindpur block(41.17%) and lowest in Bamial (30.34%). Similarly medium categories of farmers are highest in Qadian (37.16%) & lowest in Bamial block (6.63%) . The highest irrigated area 90% by tubewells and lowest by the canal 1% is in Qadian block. Area production & average yield of rice is given in table 6, which is mostly sown in irrigated area except Dhar, Bamial, where (36-62%) area sown unirrigated conditions. The average yield is lowest in both the block. Highest yield is in Sri Hargobindpur is received i.e. 4064 kg/ha & lowest in Dhar kalan i.e. 2373 kg/ha. Similarly in table 7, ( 98% )area is sown in Dharkalan block unirrigated condition & DBN 100% areas sown in irrigated of maize crop, lowest yield is 2092 kg/ha in Dhar block & 4107 kg/ha in Kahnuwan, Where 29% is in irrigated condition. In case of Sugarcane 57% area is sown under rain fed condition, 100% area in DBN, FGC, Batala in irrigated, the average yield is lowest in Dhariwal block (5236 Qtl per hectare) where as Batala got 7488 qtl per hectare. In annexure table 9, wheat is cultivating in block Batala, FGC, Dera Baba Nanak, Dhariwal,under irrigated condition where as (89%) is sown in un irrigated condition in Dhar block , the lowest yield in Bamial 1814 kg/ha.